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Outside the Tracks

Communicators of Boston and Beyond!

If you think that the Communications Department begins and ends with the classes we provide, you couldn't be more wrong. Whether you are pursuing a career in journalism, building your design portfolio, learning the ins and outs of PR or studying the media arts, the department of Communications provides a number of ways for you to expand your experience and learning as far beyond the classroom as your motivation takes you.

We are pleased to assist in real world experiences in prestigious and competitive companies when students engage with our Internship program.

The student organization PRSSA's annual trip to Omnicom headquarters in NYC provides invaluable connections to our alums.

Communications professor Dan Connell advises the critically acclaimed and award winning student paper: The Simmons Voice, and also leads the Human Rights in South Africa course, a semester long course, followed by a summer trip to South Africa, and finishing with the student's essays being published by the Africa World Press, Inc.

Our Studio 5 course exposes our students to the real experience of client relations, as teams complete work for non-profits in the Greater Boston Area. They hear the clients' needs, present campaigns, produce work, receive feedback, and work in the sturcture of a real production studio.

Our Department also supports more individual goals of our students. The Communicator, a monthly e-publication that the department edits and designs, includes information about jobs, internships, events, contests, Communication clubs, departmental honors, student and alum achievements and awards and other news that is interesting and relevant to the field of Communications.

In addition, every May the department puts on the show! [commworks], our annual showcase of student work. This is the biggest Communications event of the year and we always enjoy fabulous turn out. Among those invited are Communications internship sponsors, designers from the Boston area, The Simmons Community and students with their families and friends. Projects on display include a live radio broadcast, animation, movies, web design, digital images, photography, graphic design, writing, advertising, internship projects, public relations and marketing projects and much more! Also the Communications Department Awards and Advertising Awards are presented at the event.

recently added student work

Likenesses by Judith AronsonCOMMTRACKS 2010Final Reviews in the Design TrackA Memorial to the FallenSenior Faculty Banquet Spring 2009the show! [commworks] Publicity '08Wall of HonorCOMMTRACKS 2006Old Wrongs New RightsWomen to WomenTourism Marketing and Communications Costa Rica Trip